EXCLUSIVE: Mark Madden’s Negotiations With TNA Are…

But I’m not interested. I’m 48, not in the greatest health, and I have no desire to travel or work two very demanding jobs at once. I also have no desire to be waist-deep in wrestling politics ever again.

So I’ll just sit in my ivory tower and judge from afar. That’s as involved as I want to be with wrestling.

Unless I get Traci Brooks as a signing bonus, Then, I’m in.

Some suggest that Dixie Carter wouldn’t hire me after all the criticism I’ve sent her way. If I were Dixie, I’d be more wary of those who constantly say what she wants to hear.

My Christmas wish for Kevin Nash is, as always, more money. For me, Traci Brooks. (It looks like Bret Hart is going to beat me to Melina.) If I need extra holiday money, I can always drive a Coke truck.

Mark Madden can be reached at wzmarkmadden@hotmail.com.