A Very Detailed Live Smackdown Report From Last Night

Thanks to Hermen Hernandez for sending in this live report from last night’s WWE Smackdown taping:

Long time reader for the site.  Just wanted to give you a few tidbits about last night.  I found out about the show being at Izod earlier in the day yesterday and since it wasn’t a sellout, I grabbed a friend of mine and drove to the Meadowlands, just assuming that we would grab whatever 20 dollar seats were available and hang out watching a fun and cheap show.  When we got to the box office, we were surprised to find out that we were able to grab two second row ringside seats dead smack in the middle of the hard camera side, despite the fact that the show had just started.  Awesome for us, but doesn’t say much for the business that the WWE is doing in NJ, especially because of the fact that those seats cost us less then 80 dollars each.

Missed the dark match and got there just in time for the start of ECW.  Hardy and Finlay had a nice hard hitting match that had the crowd pretty much into it.

There was a small smattering of Tommy chants whenever he was on the screen for a promo, though being in Jersey, prime old school ECW territory, I thought it would have been alot more.  Then again, I’d say 75% of the crowd are families, so maybe not.

Crowd was really into Bourne and his shooting star press might have gotten pop of the night.