EVOLVE Wrestling Results (1/16): Rahway, New Jersey

…continued from page one

Dark City Fight Club over Aeroform with a Combo Cutter/Powerbomb in about 7 min. Tags not necessary, looks like texas tornado rules for the tag division. Match was good, but what you would expect.

Mercedes over someone named Nadia in about 2 minutes with a fisherman’s buster. They acted like Nadia got hurt and Mercedes cut a short promo about needing real competition.

Brad Allen over Silas Young in 11 with an F5. Match was only okay. Big spot on the outside when Allen went for a moonsault off the top to the floor and Silas countered with a dropkick. Allen plants face-first. Refs run out, but Allen makes it in at the 19 count. People boo Allen during his promo but he thanks the fans so they applaud him.

Allen challenges Chris Hero who debuts in March.

Jimmy Jacobs comes out. Cuts a promo saying that if you support him, he’ll die in the ring for you, but if you want to hate him go ahead and hate. He says Doan was handed everything he had, be that he (Jacobs) had to scratch and claw. He’s the most over guy on the show until the main event. Jacobs vs Doan was slower, but good, but some fans were on Doan for the rest holds. Doan wins in 10 mins, but Jacobs’ foot was on the ropes. Tommy Dreamer comes out, tells the ref, and the match is restarted. Jimmy puts Doan into the endtime really fast and the match is over.

Jacobs thanks Dreamer for advertising Evolve on his twitter, but says he won’t thank him for his help tonight. Before he had Age of the Fall, but now he’s on his own, and doesn’t need Tommy’s help. Says Tommy is back grasping for the spotlight as if crying on national TV wasn’t enough. Then he burries Dreamer as being washed up. They’re face to face and Jacobs says he won’t punch Dreamer because Evolve would suspend him. There’s banter, then Dreamer says "I’m not on the roster, I’m here to have fun." He decks Jacobs, they brawl, and Dreamer gets the better of it.

Concluded on page three …