ECW On SyFy Results – January 19, 2010

Thanks to Kenny G. & PWInsider


-ECW opened with The Abraham Washington Show, with Santino Marella as the host. He said Washington was out sick with a gas problem.  Santino guest was Validmir Kzlsov.  Santino made a bunch of Rock IV jokes.

-Trent Barretta & Caylen Croft defeated Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust. Pretty standard tag team match.

-Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes came out to the ring.  Ryder told ring announcer Savannah to call him The New ECW Superhero since he beat Tommy Dreamer and Hurricane.  Hurricane came out and attack Ryder.

-Main Event: Christian beat Regal by DQ when Ezekiel Jackson attacked Christian.