JR Comments Further on Brisco, His WWE Status & More

Jim Ross has updated his blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"I wonder why other wrestlers who live in the Tampa area did not attend the funeral and show their respect to a great man who was so instrumental in helping many stars get their start?"

"If I get asked one more time when I’m going back to work at WWE, I think my head will explode. I appreciate everyone’s concern and support but the answer to that question hasn’t changed in months. My career will take whatever direction it’s meant to take when contract negotiations commence. One never knows how that process will go until it begins. I do expect it to go well."

"FCW is a great facility and it seems the staff there is doing a super job. I saw several young talents who seemingly have the opportunity to become stars someday if they study their craft and devote ample time to getting better on a daily basis."