FCW House Show Results 2/18: Surprise WWE Appearances

Curt Hawkins & Jackon Andrews defeated "The South Beach Boys" Percy Watson & Darren Young when Hawkins pinned Watson
Wade Barrett pinned Johnny Prime
Eli Cottonwood & Skip Sheffield defeated Johnny Curtis & Tyler Reks when Cottonwood pinned Reks
FCW Divas Match: Savannah, A.J. Lee, & Tiffany defeated Naomi Night, Rosa Mendes, & Serena when Tiffany pinned Rosa
Michael Tarver pinned Titus O’Neill
Vance Archer & Alex Riley came to the ring as the challengers for the FCW tag title. The champions, Joe Hennig & Brett DiBiase came to the ring, but DiBiase was in street clothes. He took the mic and said that he had a neck injury and wasn’t cleared to wrestle by his doctor, but he did work out a "suitable" one night replacement with GM Teddy Long… and he "happens to have the same last name"…
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