TNA Impact Results (4/19): New TNA World Champion!

Knockout Tag Team Championship

ODB & Daffney vs The Beautiful People (c)
Velvet Sky starts out against Daffney. Daffney chases her around the ring and Lacey switches in and hits a back handspring elbow drop. Velvet comes back in and goes for a forearm smash off the top but Daffney hits her in the midsection and tags out. ODB hits shoulder blocks on Lacey and Velvet and hits a Thesz press on Velvet. She hits a fallaway slam and goes back after Velvet but Madison Rayne gets on the ropes and distracts the referee. He misses the pin attempt by ODB and turns around to count Velvet Sky rolling up ODB for the win. 
Winners and STILL Knockout Tag Team Champions: The Beautiful People
Backstage Segment:
JB is telling the camera crew to follow him and he can hear screaming coming from AJ Styles’ locker room. AJ is saying it’s not fair and that Flair is also barred from ringside. Flair says it wasn’t part of their plan, but he knows AJ can beat whoever he has to face. He also wants a rematch of Team Hogan vs Team Flair and he is giving a five minute time limit. It doesn’t matter who Hogan brings because Flair is declaring himself winner by forfeit. He screams at JB and tells him to get out as he slams the door.  
Abyss and Jeff Jarrett are in the ring to answer Flair’s challenge and Abyss has a microphone. He tells Flair they heard about the challenge, but the war between them ended last night when they did what they said they would do and kicked Team Flair’s ass. He says if RVD and Hardy weren’t already scheduled in a match that they would have no problem fighting them again. Ric Flair comes out with his team and flat out tells Abyss to kiss his ass. He sends his team to the ring and Abyss and Jarrett are trying to fend them off but can’t for long. Rob Terry’s music hits and he comes out and cleans house. He press slams Desmond Wolfe into Sting and Flair is screaming at Jarrett, telling hiim he is a dead man. Eric Bischoff comes out and says he thought Flair learned his lesson last night. Bischoff says Flair will get his rematch, but he is adding Rob Terry to the match, and another partner who Bischoff says is dying to lace up his boots and kick Flair’s ass.