Chair Shot Reality: PPV Predicitons & Wrestling Obsessions

On the next Chair Shot Reality…

Justin & Josh want your Extreme Rules winners.

Plus…on the last show they gave you a "top 10 ways you know that you’re obsessed with wrestling" list.

Ways such as

– Getting a wrestling tattoo

– Naming your kid after favorite wrestler

– Remembering significant wrestling dates but forgetting loved ones birthdays

To view the full list, check out part 1 of last weeks show at

Now Justin & Josh want you to send in the best example you can come up with and they will pick the 10 best and rank them.

Send Extreme Rules predictions and/or obsessed with wrestling example to

You can also leave your predictions and wrestling obsession examples on the Chair Shot Reality Facebook page! Join the wrestling talk and meet new friends on the page if you haven’t done so already!