Ted DiBiase On Working With Virgil, Million Dollar Belt, More

The following are some excerpts from a new IGN interview with WWE Superstar Ted DiBiase Jr:

IGN TV: What was it like to reunite with Virgil on Raw this past week?

Ted DiBiase: [laughs] That was really cool. It was a big surprise and I don’t think anyone expected it. Me walking out there and then just turning around with a smile and there’s Virgil. The guy who used to pick me up from school. The guy I used to monkey around with and jump on. I guess he’s kind of gotten smaller in his older age, but I used to grab onto his arms –he had these huge pipes, you know, these 24-inch arms back in the day and he’d just lift me up off the ground. I’d make him do it all the time. I used to bug the crap out of that guy. And now he’s carrying around the belt, pulling the ropes down, opening doors and carrying my bags. It’s a great feeling.

IGN: Backtracking a bit…how does it feel to be carrying around your dad’s Million Dollar Belt?

DiBiase: It’s fun. It’s a good feeling. It was a nice gesture by the old man to let me take it over. And unleashing the trust fund was even better. Because now I can do a lot of things that most people can’t. But that belt is special. It’s got a lot of history and it definitely deserves to be viewed by the fans. A whether you say you’re a fan of it or not, everyone likes to see it.

IGN: This is your first singles Pay Per View match [at WWE "Over The Limit"] ever, is that right?

DiBiase: Yes, it is. It feels really good. I had a good run with Cody Rhodes and I wish him all the best on Smackdown. We had a great tag team and I learned a lot and it was fine while it lasted, but it was time. It’s great to be on my own and forging my own career now. I’m excited.

Check out the full interview at IGN.com.