TNA Impact Results – June 3rd 2010

Backstage AJ is complaining to Christy about just finding out he is in a three-way match with Kazarian and Jay Lethal tonight. Flair walks in with Kazarian and they talk about how tonight will be the ned of Lethal and Flair will be looking good. Kaz thanks Flair for a watch he received as a gift and says he’s never had anything like it.

Rosie Lottalove vs Roxxi

Rosie has control of Roxxi until she tries a big splash in the corner and misses. Roxxi tries fighting back and Madison Rayne comes down and hits Roxxi with the belt. Rosie screams at her and wants to know what she is doing and Roxxi rolls her up from behind and gets the win. After the match, Madison gets in Rosie’s face and screams at her until Rosie chokebombs Madison hard on the mat. JB gets with Rosie and she says The Beautiful People think they can try taking out all of the ugly people she has another thing coming. Rosie says she is big, beautiful and has a whole lot of love for everyone, then plants a kiss on a surprised JB and leaves. 

Winner – Roxxi

Triple Threat Match

AJ Styles vs Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Kazarian says he has this and AJ says fine and gets out of the ring. Lethal schoolboys Kazarian for two, then AJ comes in and takes them both down. Lethal comes back and attempts the Lethal Combination but Kazarian dropkicks them both. Lethal keeps fighting back as Kazarian and AJ continue to argue with each other. Kazarian shoves AJ out of the way and hits a jumping cutter on Lethal. They both keep trying to one-up each other with moves and Flair is yelling at them on the ramp. AJ is calling for a springboard and Kazarian leans on the rope so AJ falls. They argue in the corner and Lethal shoves AJ into Kazarian and rolls up AJ for the win.

Winner – Jay Lethal

After the match, Flair gets in the ring and says AJ had the gift of being Flair’s protege and he just lost to Jay Lethal. He tells him to go home and think about who he wants to be because right now he’s not in Ric’s good graces. He continues belittling AJ and telling him to go home and make a lifetime decision, and call him when he is ready to come back. On his way to the back Angle comes out and gets in AJ’s face. AJ yells some things at him and leaves while Angle heads to the ring as we go to a commercial.