WWE RAW Results (6/7): Viewer’s Choice, NXT Rookies Attack!

The Hart Dynasty will defend the tag titles against the Uso’s, the Dudebusters or Khali and Hornswoggle. The fans will vote and the Usos are cutting a promo first, saying they should be voted because they already laid out the Harts two weeks in a row. Croft says voting for the Dudebusters will make you a better person, and Baretta says he just voted and he feels better already. Hornswoggle shrugs at Khali and Khali raises his arms and yells. The Hart Dynasty waits in the ring with Striker for the results and the Great Khali and Hornswoggle win the vote.

Great Khali & Hornswoggle vs Hart Dynasty

Khali slaps Kidd in the corner and then bodyslams him. Khali tags in Hornswoggle and Kidd rolls out of the way of a Tadpole Splash. Kidd pins Hornswoggle and Smith watches to make sure Khali doesn’t try to get back in. After the match the Uso’s rush the ring and try to attack but the Harts fight them off and send them back up the ramp.

Winners – The Hart Dynasty

Lawler is at the announce table and says something is wrong, and gets up and goes to the back. Cole asks what happened and tells Lawler they have a three hour show to do. He doesn’t know what happened and leads into a promo from Smackdown.

Justin Roberts introduces the cast of the A-Team, who are tonight’s guest hosts. Bradley Cooper comes out alone and says he was supposed to be with the others, but says the show will be great and leaves. King is shown backstage and he is taken into a room where it is revealed that the guys are the other A-Team guys. King says his crown was stolen and he wants them to find it. They say they can get it back, and Rampage says that he think he knows who has it. They go to find it and run into the Bella Twins. The girls tell Rampage and Sharlto how they like them, but the guys are in character as B.A. and Murdoch and look confused. Sharlto breaks the fouth wall and says he thinks District 9 (he was in the movie) was brilliant and got robbed at the Oscars. The Bellas smile as the guys leave to go to find the crown.

Santino is introduced and he will go one on one with Kozlov in a regular match, an arm wrestling match or a dance off. We will get the results of the fan vote after the commercial break.