Chris Jericho Speaks On WWE Retirement, Hart Dynasty, More

The following is an excerpt from a recent Crave Online interview with WWE Superstar Chris Jericho:

Crave Online: What’s going on with your WWE story?

Chris Jericho: Just starting a new storyline that’s probably going to go two or three months, which I like. Most of my stories are longer and involve a lot of intricate details and twists and turns. You never really know what you’re going to get with Jericho. That’s one reason I love reading internet reports of people who think they know everything about things and they really don’t. They just have to sit back and watch the show and enjoy it like everybody else and see how it unfolds.

Crave Online: Will you rematch with the Hart Dynasty or is that done?

Chris Jericho: It’s probably done. I’d love to work with those guys because we all train in Calgary in the same place. I trained with their uncles and their grandfather so there’s always a little bit of a storyline there so I’m sure we’ll do something again in the future.

Crave Online: Are there any new wrestling frontiers on your horizon?

Chris Jericho: No, I’ve pretty much done everything in wrestling that I ever wanted to do. I still enjoy it. I still enjoy being a part of it. That’s why doing something like Downfall is so exciting for me because I’m getting a chance to branch out and extend the Chris Jericho brand and try some new things and hopefully become very successful with them. Like I said, it’s all part of the same thing: Show business, entertainment, being in front a crowd and entertaining them. That’s what I do. Am I a wrestler? No. Am I a rock star? No. Am I a game show host? No. I’m an entertainer. That’s what I do.

Crave Online: Do you see an end date to wrestling?

Chris Jericho: Absolutely. You can’t wrestle forever. It’s a very physically taxing job. There’s no doubt about it. Physically, and more importantly mentally. Would I still like to be involved in the business in one way, shape or form? Sure, but there are other worlds out there and I’ve been very fortunate to be able to explore them over the last 10 years between Fozzy my band, writing my books, having the radio show on XM radio and then doing Downfall. There’s a lot of different things that I want to do and I’m getting the chance to do that. So it’s a good time to have all these things peaking at the same time.

Check out the complete Chris Jericho interview today at