*Spoilers:* TNA Impact Results For This Week; Major Ending

The following results are courtesy of PWInsider.com:

TNA Impact results, set to air on 7/15:

TNA Impact opens with Mike Tenay and Taz discussing Victory Road and its aftermath.

Abyss comes out with his board of nails, which has a piece of raw meat hanging off of it, and cuts a promo. He named his board "Janice" and starts beating the meat to death with the board. The crowd chants for RVD, then chants "Beat that Meat." Abyss tells RVD not to worry, because this is going to happen to him. Abyss actually broke the board because he was hitting the mat so hard with it.

*Abyss had ripped up the apron so the crew was changing it. While that was taking place, they showed Taylor Wilde and Sarita brawling all over backstage. Neither one has the upper hand as the video ends. They brawl into the Impact Zone and then to ringside. It’s a really good brawl. Wilde tosses Sarita into the first row and chokes her with a purse strap. She chokes out Sarita to get the win, so it was some sort of unannounced hardcore bout.

*There’s a backstage segment with Kevin Nash and Miss Tessmacher that I wasn’t able to hear clearly.

*X-Division champion Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick is up. Lots of dueling chants followed by a USA chant. Good back and forth match. Kendrick locks in the Cobra Clutch and Williams quits. After the match, Kevin Nash comes out and Kendrick has words with him. Nash chokeslams him.

Nash demands that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff give him TV time and says he’s a living legend. He said that he is going to make an example out of Brian Kendrick but Jeff Jarrett comes out. He tells Nash to settle down or he could end up suspended like Sting. Jarrett tells Nash an egotistical son of a b**ch who cares about nothing but money. Jarrett says that since he took care of Nash, Nash got it. Nash walked off, leaving Jarrett in the ring.