EXCLUSIVE: Tons More on Wilpon Group: Big Names Contacted

The professional wrestling start-up headed by Milton J. Wilpon, a senior member of the billionaire Wilpon Family (who own the New York Mets) continues to make waves throughout the professional wrestling landscape. 

The group, which is signing several wrestlers to contracts that don’t start until October or November has been approaching several Ring of Honor wrestlers, and has had off the record conversations with some disgruntled TNA wrestlers as well.
A recent pitch to a well known star whose contract was expiring may have seen the next chapter of this saga unfold, as the current big name wrestler was told an A-List Hollywood producer was on board and was going to present the group to networks with a 3-D capacity, and the group also vowed to keep pursuing Paul Heyman to be the key man in the company, despite Heyman not signing with TNA even though that group has a coveted two hour weekly cable network prime time show. 
Another star whose contract is expiring, Chris Jericho, is said to have been approached by the group through mutual friends.
WrestleZone has also learned the group has approached a key former WWE executive about working with them, and was told a business plan and investors’ prospectus would be made available at the end of August.  The group appears to be operating out of Wilpon’s New Jersey office in Ft. Lee, as well as out of their Jamesburg Ventures (a Nevada corporation) office.