(Spoilers) WWE Superstars Taping Results From Tuesday

The following report from the WWE tapings in Albany is courtesy of WrestleZone.com fan Tom Dinardi’s Twitter page, used here with his permission.

Dark Match:

John Morrison vs. Tyler Reks

Morrison starts us off to a monster ovation! Tyler Reks to some heat. Good to see He’s didn’t go back to flying planes. Morrison has the crowd in the palm of his hands. Now even Reks is getting MAJOR heat. "Morrison" chants lead to the flying chuck kick and starship pain for the pin about 5 minutes in.

Winner: John Morrison

WWE Superstars Tapings:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Kofi Kingston

Chavo out to his usual heat. This will be good. Is Kofi the middle ground between Jay Lethal and Hulk Hogan? He’s stuck with red n yellow for a few weeks now. Chavo chants from the anti universe quickly drowned out by buzz for kofi. Near double count out broken up at 9. Kofi chants erupting. Ten minute mark, crowd is willing kofi back from a sleeper. Chavo pays homage with the three amigos, Eddie chants start. Kofi drops chavo from the top with a spinning heel kick for the win in 13 mins. This will most likely be the #WWE #Superstars main event. Chavo gets booed out, red carpet n balloons brought out to the ring while Tribute to the Troops shown. Cena gets the best pop of the vid.

Winner: Kofi Kingston