WWE RAW Results (9/20) – New WWE Champion, NoC Fallout

The Hart Dynasty joins King and Cole at commentary and Cole tries insulting them but stutters through it. Kidd says they lost but they weren’t screwed, and it was just the circumstances of the match. 

Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre vs Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov

Santino tries a leghold but Cody stomps on him and quick tags Drew. Drew works against Kozlov and puts him in a headlock but Kozlov armdrags him away and then gets a fireman’s carry takeover and tags in Santino. Santino hits a hit toss and teases the Cobra but walks in to a big boot by Drew.

They work on Santino in the corner then Cody tries bodyslamming him but he floats over and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov hits a powerslam on Drew, and Cody throws Santino out of the ring but gets kicked out of the ring by Kozlov. Kozlov turns around and gets hit by the Future Shock by Drew and makes the cover. 

Winners – Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre  

Edge and Zack Ryder are in the locker room and Ryder says they can hang out and go clubbing since Edge isn’t holding out now. Edge says they aren’t friends, and the GM will never give him a title shot, and he is basically screwed. Daniel Bryan walks in and asks them to keep it down a little bit and Edge flips out and says he caught him on the wrong night. He is picking Bryan and tells him to meet him in the ring tonight, which Bryan accepts. On the way out Ryder calls him a loser and puts the ‘L’ on his forehead, as Edge embarrassingly tells him he is holding it backwards. Ryder looks at his hand and doesn’t get it as we go ringside for the next match.