JR & Steve Austin Criticize WWE’s “Top 50 Superstars” List

Jim Ross and Stone Cold Steve Austin posted the following on their Twitter accounts in response to WWE revealing its list of the "Top 50 Superstars of All-Time," which will be featured in an upcoming DVD release:

Steve Austin wrote: "i dont know the criteria for the WWE top 50 list…but i disagree with 85% of it."

Jim Ross wrote: "Hogan & Rock not being in top 10 n wwe top 50 dvd shocked me. Is shock 2 strong a word? Everyones entitled 2 their opinion."

Jim Ross later wrote: "My bad on Rock’s lofty rtg on wwe’s top 50 dvd. Hulk should have been higher but argument can b made 4 others too. I liked the dvd. Buy it."


In part 3 of this weeks Chair Shot Reality…HHH set to return at Rumble, Angle to have his last match ever back in the WWE, Team 3D one of the best tag teams ever and much more!

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