EXCLUSIVE: Inside Word on WWE Releasing Kaval aka Low Ki

WrestleZone has spoken to several close friends of Brandon Silvestry (Kaval / Low Ki) today, and the feelings are as polar opposite as anything we’ve seen.


"I think he’s probably devastated," one wrestler who is friends with Kaval told us, "I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I’m sure this caught him off guard, and to get fired just two days before Christmas really sucks!’


However, another wrestler who is known to be friends with Kaval / Low Ki had a totally different story. "Ki (as some friends call him) knew this was coming a few days ago. He didn’t get fired today. He finished up like a pro the other night (at the Smackdown tapings), and it was kept under wraps until WWE.com reported it today."


A third friend said, "WWE wasn’t for him."


We’ll continue to monitor the reaction to the surprising holiday week firing of Brandon Silvestry, known in WWE as NXT Season Two Champion "Kaval."