Live Raw Fan Report: Reaction to Edge, Off-Air Notes, More

Thanks to Chris Vargas for sending this in:

Attended Raw last night in Bridgeport, CT and it was a packed house. During the Cena vs. Truth match, there were two loud chants of "Cena sucks!" and "Let’s Go Cena!" Both chants were very loud live and lasted back and forth for about 5 minutes. You could hear them on TV as well, but it didn’t do it justice. Cena got a mixed reaction most of the night. Edge received a great ovation and tons of chants of "Thank You Edge" as heard on TV as well. The crowd was very babyface and cheered most of the faces except when it came to Cena and Miz. Both men received mixed reactions all night.

Biggest pops of the night:

  1. Jerry Lawler (I was shocked, but every person in that building was supporting Lawler all night)
  2. Randy Orton
  3. R-Truth and Morrison both received great ovations

Biggest heat of the night:

  1. Michael Cole
  2. Vickie Guerrero
  3. John Cena