WWE House Show Results (4/15): Dublin, Ireland

Thanks to Gary O’Rourke for sending this in:

1. Santino w/ Tamina and Kozlov def. The Uso’s.

Santino and Tamina came out and received a huge pop from the fans. The Uso’s then came out and got on the mic and started saying stuff like "You’re on your own for this one". The match started and Santino was being dominated by the Uso’s. About 5 minutes into the match Kozlov came out and helped Santino. Santino picked up the win with The Cobra. Decent match – 3/5

2. Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan came out first and was boo’d, pretty loud boo’s too! He didn’t really know what was going on, haha. Sheamus’ music hit and he got one of the biggest pops of the night! "Let’s go Sheamus" chants were going all throughout the match. Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick and after the match he took somebodys Irish flag from the crowd and held it up high. He then got the mic to say that he loves this country and that it’s the best in the world. Great match – 4/5

3. Percy Watson def. Primo.

Primo came out and started telling the crowd that he’ll do somthing to then (Can’t remember what now, as I was getting a drink at the time). Percy Watson came out, nobody got any reaction really apart from a few "Let’s go Percy" chants. Percy did some type of neckbreaker (His finishing move?) and won the match. Decent match (I think) – 2/5

4. Dolph Ziggler def. Evan Bourne.

Dolph Ziggler got heavily boo’d when he came out. There was a few spots in this match. At the very end, Evan Bourne tried Air Bourne, missed but landed on his feet, but Ziggler was behind him and used the Zig-Zag on him. Good match – 3/5

5. Randy Orton def. CM Punk.

Justin Roberts called this match "A RAW Challenge Match" for whatever reason… However, THIS was the match of the night! Both wrestlers put on a great show. CM Punk was heavily boo’d and Randy Orton was heavily cheered! Randal Keith Orton picked up the win after CM Punk jumped off the top rope only to receive an RKO (Like WrestleMania) I jumped out of my seat for that and shouted "Holy S&$%!!" about 100 times, haha. Excellent match – 5/5

6. Dance off.

R-Truth and Melina came out (What’s up!?) and decided to carry out a dance off competition (Bet ya didn’t see that coming, haha) 4 people got in the ring, Some lad that was around 17, 2 girls in their 20’s and a kid that was about 7 years old. The kid was last and started flipping around the ring, he was brilliant! He won and got to go backstage with R-Truth and … Melina (Lucky bastard!!)

7. Intermission.

8. Sin Cara def. Tyson Kidd.

I was annoyed with myself for this because me and my mate went outside and came back in too late to see the two entrances, so I’m not sure if Sin Cara botched his entrance. Sin Cara wona after my mate decided to call his finishing move, "The Reverse Rock Bottom Flip off the Top Rope!" (Pretty cool name, haha). Good match – 3/5

9. Gail Kim and Eve Torres def. The Bella Twins.

A decent match which I can’t really remember now, but on my iPhone notes it says "Decent match, 3/5, HOTNESS!" So yeah… Decent match – 3/5

10. John Cena and John Morrison def. The Miz and Alex Riley.

Miz came out and started talking, saying that he is awesome and stuff. Telling the fans that they cam boo him if they want but he will win tonight… The match started out as a 3 way bout for the WWE Championship between Cena, Morrison and Miz. However, Alex Riley came in and attacked Cena, next minute *iPhone text message x2* the RAW fricken General Manager was in da house! or via Wifi, whatever! People were surprised by this, I thought it was a good little twist to have him in there. Justin then said that the RAW General Manager wants a tag team match, Cena and Morrison vs Miz and Riley (How you can abandon a WWE Championship match like that, I don’t know…it’s a house show I guess) They put on a good match, Morrison was in the ring for a good 15 minutes, Riley and Miz dominated Morrison, Morrison was trying to tag in Cena a good 6 or 7 times but Miz and Riley attacked him before he could (Good building game) Miz then tried the Rock Bottom (He even took his armband off slowly and threw it to the crowd) and missed the People’s Elbow. Cena finally got in and received a huge pop. Cena dominated and the match ended with Cena giving Miz the FU (Attitude Adjustment) and Morrison giving Riley a taste of Starship Pain at the same time, which was pretty class! Good match, great finish – 4/5

This has been the best wrestling show I have been to. Te crowd were on fire!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. WWE are coming back to Dublin, Ireland in November and I will definitely be going without a shadow of a doubht. I may have to pay for tickets this time though. For this event I won tickets off a local radio station. Great night, great crowd, great matches. 5/5 display!