Jim Ross Blog: Orton/Christian Match, LOTR Convention, More

The following are highlights from the latest online blog by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

JR on Dusty Rhodes: “Dusty Rhodes had to pull out of the event late due to personal reasons and circumstances beyond Dusty’s control. I was looking forward to seeing ‘The Dream’ again as were many of his fans. Dusty was excited about the event and I’m sure that the WWE HOF’er will likely be back at the next LOTR function.”

JR on Vader and his son: “Vader has lost about 100 pounds and looks to be around 340-350 pounds. Diet, exercise, and no booze is working famously for the super heavyweight. Vader’s son Jesse White recently signed with WWE and will be going to FCW soon to see if he has what it takes to earn a spot on a WWE roster.”

JR on Perry Saturn: “Perry Saturn still lives in Minnesota but is getting weary of the cold weather there. Perry is an unique soul who has lived an equally unique life.”

JR on Christian vs. Randy Orton: “Christian and Randy Orton had a great, TV match on Smackdown but I don’t buy into the ‘tragedy’ that some fans flooded us with here on our site due to Christian losing the World Title. It isn’t as if the loss ended Christian’s career and who’s to say that ‘Captain Charisma’ won’t regain the title at a later date? Those that truly understand the nature of the genre have a different mindset than those who are knee jerking themselves silly.”

Check out the complete blog online at JRsBarBQ.com.