WWE Raw Results (5/16): Over The Limit Hype, Cena/Miz!

After Over the Limit, he won’t be saying I’m the Miz and I’m Awesome. He will be saying I’m the Miz . . . and I Quit.

The ding dongs go off and Michael Cole has something to say. Since he allowed John Cena to make the stipulation for Over the Limit, as long as Miz and Riley are not involved, he gets to pick the type of match and opponent for John Cena tonight.

Miz thinks about it and he tells John that he doesn’t know who the opponent is or what the stipulation is, there is one thing that is for sure. It is going to be awesome.

We go to commercial.

We see highlights of what happened last week when Big Show attacked CM Punk at ringside during Mason Ryan’s match with Kane.

Match Number One: Kofi Kingston versus CM Punk with Michael McGillicutty, David Otunga, and Mason ‘Not-tista’ Ryan in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Punk with a side head lock but Kofi with elbows. Punk with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a flying forearm and a drop kick that sends Punk to the floor. Nexus comes towards the ring but Punk tells them to back up. Kofi with a baseball slide and then he gets a near fall. Punk drops Kofi on the top rope and then he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head.

Punk with elbows to Kofi’s chest and he gets a near fall. Punk with a cravate. Punk with a snap mare and knee drop for a near fall. Punk goes to the top turnbuckle but Kofi recovers and hits a drop kick and Punk falls to the ring.

Kofi goes up top and he hits a cross body and gets a near fall. Kofi with a Superman punch and it is time for the Boom Drop after a lap or two around the ring. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and then Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Punk ducks. Punk gets Kofi up for a Go To Sleep but Kofi counters with a rollup for a near fall.

Kofi leaps into the corner but Punk moves and Kofi hits the turnbuckles. Punk hits Go To Sleep and he gets the three count.

Winner: CM Punk