Singh Brothers
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

The Singh Brothers On Living Their Dream, Remembering To Have Fun

WWE 24/7 Samir Singh and his brother Sunil recently appeared on an episode of Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia. They discussed several topics, including

On learning to have fun despite a demanding schedule:

Samir: “You’re on the road four days a week, third day’s a travel day, two days off and you’re back on the road, you kind of forget you’re doing your dream job, you’re just in the forest. And I remember Adam, Edge, when we got signed, I remember him telling us, like learn to enjoy it because once you’re in the forest, you’re so deep in that one day you’re gonna look back like, wow, did I do this? And he was so right because, even like two years in, you’re just going and then you’re like, wow, it’s pretty cool to travel the world.”

Sunil: “And even for us sometimes, we’ll be talking like, ‘Can you believe it’s already been three years for us, including CWC, NXT, 205, three years already, it’s like time just flies, it goes by so fast.”

Samir: “You forget to have fun sometimes, it’s doubts. For me, it’s like, let’s have fun, it’s great.”

On working together in WWE:

Samir: “It’s having that confidant, best friend on the road, which is so important because, again, it does get lonely and long and, even if we fight, you know at the end of the day, you can patch it up, like we have a common goal, a common interest, we’ve been doing it together since 18, 17, dreaming about it as kids, so you have all this and it’s nice to have that.”

Sunil: “In this business, it’s such a cutthroat  business, everyone’s looking out for themselves, you know to your point, we have each other’s back no matter what. Whatever decision’s made, we will ask each other, ‘Hey, do you feel comfortable doing this?” and vice versa so it’s definitely having its pros.”

The full interview is available here and also on Spotify and other podcast platforms:

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