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Isenberg Reacts: WWE SummerSlam “Do We Have The WrestleMania Main Event Already?”

Problems with the Kickoff Show

wwe summerslam
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

Three matches took place on the 2 hour pre-show. The first was The Hardy Boyz and Jason Jordan losing to the Miztourage. The crowd was about 20 percent full, if that, and the match was unfortunately forgettable. This is a damn shame, especially considering Matt and Jeff are the most over tag team in WWE, The Miz is consistently booked on WWE RAW in high profile segments and Jason Jordan got pinned clean. Yes, Jason Jordan got pinned clean and this tag team contest should’ve been given much more than it got. I am really disappointed in how they booked this and how unimportant it felt with the big talent involved.

Second was Neville regaining the Cruiserweight Championship only 6 days from losing it to Akira Tozawa. Instead of continuing a reign since January, WWE gave Tozawa the title only for Neville to get it back? How does this make any sense. Nobody is close to being as good as Neville and the title change on WWE RAW was a pointless decision that simply hurts a division that needs help.

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The Smackdown Live Tag Team Championship match was really good. In fact, it might have been a top 5 match of the night if it was on the main card and given more importance. I was okay with this decision if the titles were NOT going to change hands. The Uso’s are damn good, but I felt like it was too soon for them to regain the championships. Why is there so many title changes in a tag team division that desperately needs consistency? The New Day and The Uso’s will continue their feud, however, so that is definitely a positive for the blue brand.

We have seen them fight time and time again over the past three years, but they still tweak the match to make it feel fresh. That is something very hard to do.

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