Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “WWE Missed The Boat”

Bram vs. Mr. Anderson

impact wrestlingMr.  Anderson quickly gets a table involved and lands a Senton roll off the apron.  Anderson reaches for the microphone, but Bram is able to knock him off and begin the beating. He gets up on the ladder, but Anderson drags him down and hits an Impaler DDT. Bram is in control and then could easily grab the microphone. Instead, he looks to inflict more punishment. He tosses multiple chairs in the ring.

Anderson tries The Mic Check into the chairs, but Bram reverses it and tosses Anderson into a ladder.  Bram hits a powerbomb off the ladder and into the steel chairs piled up. He grabs the microphone and apparently the match isn’t over yet.  Anderson hits Bram with a  Mic Check into some chairs.  Anderson then uses the mic for some mounted punches. He yells his name and then connects with another big punch to pick up the win.

I really enjoy the physicality of this match. The gimmick was a little odd, but I felt that both men reinvented some good moves and were creative enough that it did not seem like a regular hardcore match. Bram losing was a surprise to me, but I am okay with him having to overcome some sort of adversity. If he wins and wins and wins, he becomes complacent in the minds of the fans. Now, he can overcome a loss and tap into yet another aggressive mentality.

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 The Revolt of The Revolution

James Storm comes out with Manik and Abyss, bullrope in hand.  What we lack in blood, we make up commitment,”says the cowboy. Mahabali Shera is called out , even though Storm calls him Koya. He says dying is not much of a living and wants him to pledge back into The Revolution.

Shera plays to the crowd and even has his music started up to begin dancing. Storm is upset and Manik somewhat gets involved. Shera hits Storm in the jaw after being harassed and then The Revolution take over. Storm makes Manik hit a Frog Splash and Shera is left on the mat.

I just am not sure what to make of this. Shera has not really done much to get this much of a split and focus of a storyline. I would have much rather seen him do more with Storm, possibly become tag champion with him and then split. He has a good look, but what makes him unique? I still am not fully into this.

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Just stop it with Chris Melendez, please?