WZ Mailbag: Why Kevin Dunn Shouldn’t Have So Much Power, Best Wrestling Match, WWE’s Underdogs, Are Wrestling Magazines A Thing Of The Past?, More

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Are wrestling magazines a dying trend? With WWE Magazine, PowerSlam and Inside Wrestling/Wrestler stopped being published in recent months, do you think that it won’t be long before PWI and Fighting Spirit end up ceasing production? 

I wouldn’t say that because those magazines have major support and backing from fans, somewhat like WZ. They have their readers supporting them every single day. But let’s be honest, News Print is a dying industry all together. People don’t turn to magazines to get their news anymore. Personally, I wasn’t really high on reading these magazines anyway because I had to spend money to buy them instead of getting good news from a website like ours. But hey, if they have survived for this long then they can keep going – I just don’t see that happening for too long. 

Who in your mind is the most under appreciated wrestler on the WWE roster? My pick would have to be both Cesaro and Ziggler. Both men put on spectacular matches and take a lot of punishment from their opponets and both deserve at title shot in the near future but all that aside who is your pick?

I have to agree with your choices, more so Cesaro than Ziggler. Vince McMahon has personal insulted Cesaro in the past and it seems to me that a lot of people in the WWE have it in for him. I know he’s getting a title shot at SS it’s not like anybody in the WWE wanted to give him a title shot.

I read your report about how Kevin Dunn has been in the ear of Vince calling to bury superstars like Bo Dallas, Adam Rose and even Paige. So far he’s been successful in burying Dallas and Rose but know he wants to bury Kevin Owens and that cannot happen. I am a big wrestling fan and I’ve watched Owens ever since his ROH days and its simple, the man can put on one hell of a match. Owens and Cesaro will probably steal the show at Summerslam too. My problem with this whole situation is WWE wanting a certain image for their champion, meaning he has to be muscular, in shape and appeals to the crowd and while Kevin Owens isn’t the most in shape guy he is probably the best wrestler on the roster and deserves to be champion. My question to you guys is should Kevin Dunn be fired so talented wrestlers don’t become jobbers and is it important for WWE to have a certain imagine for its champion?

I don’t know if he should be fired but Vince needs to stop listen to him as much as he has. Your right to say that Dunn has made some questionable decision to say the least. He needs to open his eyes, ears, and mind, and see that he is using his personal judgement to book a wrestling match, something that should not be done solely by him. He has proved he can’t be trusted in the past, so I don’t know why WWE keeps going back to him for advice.