Guest Editorial: The Mark Out I Never Expected: NXT Divas Debut on WWE Raw

nxt divasFinally…

Finally, the real Divas, have come up in Atlanta.  For weeks now, there has been talk of the “NXT Invasion” of Women’s Wrestlers coming up to help Paige in her battle with Team Bella.  During tonight’s segment on Raw, we finally received a taste of, hopefully, what’s to come.  In being a weekly NXT viewer, if you haven’t been watching what these woman have been doing, you’ve really been missing something special. 

When Stephanie McMahon came out tonight, I was really hoping that the time had finally come for the change we had all been hearing about, and it wasn’t going to be another Total Divas push to bring back someone like Eva Marie or Cameron.  Then, as Stephanie started introducing Becky Lynch, I was already marking out like I haven’t in a LONG time.  In all seriousness, I spent about 10 minutes before writing this to try to figure out when the last time was that I had the reaction I did tonight, while watching an episode of Raw.  Truthfully, the last time was when the Rock returned before hosting Wrestlemania 27 and announced to the world that he was finally… home.  

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m no women’s advocate.  I don’t do anything like this for a living.  I’m just a lifelong wrestling fan and daily Wrestlezone reader.  I had always thought about contributing in the past, but tonight, I just couldn’t hold back any longer.  I’m hoping that what we saw the start of tonight, isn’t just the next dropped ball in the lines of Bray Wyatts, Wade Barretts, Dolph Zigglers, et all.  However if they do this one right, it could really be something this division, and the sports entertainment world has needed for a long time now. 

For years of going to live events and Pay Per Views in Boston, the stigma was always that when the women came on, it was time to grab a drink or hit the restroom.  For a couple months now, I’ve been awaiting the debuts of the likes of Finn Balor, and Samoa Joe, but never did I think that I’d be as excited as I was tonight for the debuts of the new triad of female wrestlers that just made their debut.  Paige, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks, can straight up GO, in the ring.  If anyone questions that, go back and watch Natalya facing Charlotte at Takeover, or Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks’ NXT Title match a little over a month ago.  After the later of those two, I was hooked on these women and their talent, not as entertainers, but as wrestlers. 

At the beginning of this, I specifically did not use the word Diva in talking about these women.  With the platform they were given tonight, they have the chance to not only make a difference, and not only give divas a chance.  However, they have the opportunity to become and define the future of women’s wrestling.  Women like Trish Stratus and Lita could go, but honestly, I don’t even think they touched the surface of what we’re about to see.  Good for WWE for listening to the fans, and pulling the trigger.  Now we all have to hope that this is only the beginning, and not the climax like we’ve seen with so many disappointing angles in the past.  Let’s see what Hell in the Cell or TLC bring this year.  Let’s see if next year, Money in the Bank features the first ever Diva’s briefcase or Elimination Chamber.  Not only has WWE, in one night, drastically increased the talent to go along with Paige, Naomi, and Nikki Bella, but if they continue with this push, (and Bayley shouldn’t be far behind) then  they also increased the size of it’s Diva’s division in one fell swoop.  This could lead to a lot of more interesting possibilities than we’ve ever seen before. 

Like I mentioned before, I’m not writing this as an advocate or to make some of the very valid points that some of the other guest editorials have raised in the last couple weeks. I write this as a lifelong wrestling fan who, tonight, was pleasantly surprised at the aggressive mark out I experienced to see these women finally come up and make an impact.  Though still skeptical, and hopeful at the same time, that this will really be WWE giving Divas the chance they’ve been looking for, let’s just hope that it isn’t another tease, and it is the real thing.  I never thought I’d be saying that the women of NXT gave me the same excitement and enthusiasm for what’s to come as the long awaited return of the Great One. 

However, tonight, I’m happy that it did.  Good luck ladies. Your time is now.