Hogan: Ever the Con

hulk hoganAs Nick Paglino noted, Hulk Hogan is, indeed, in business for himself.

Hogan is trying to create “issues” with WWE main-eventers so there will be public demand for a match featuring him and a big payday.

But there won’t be any public demand. No chance.

At 61, Hogan is a nostalgia pop for those watching/attending the show anyway. Hogan wrestling wouldn’t draw one extra dime.

Hogan is in no way physically capable of wrestling again. He has trouble walking.

Hogan also has trouble sustaining his lifestyle. He needs money.

Another match – no matter who the opponent, and no matter how brief – would be unwatchable and embarrassing.

But Hogan – ever the con – knows that doesn’t matter. Once the match starts, the paycheck is en route. It doesn’t matter what happens next.

If Hogan was ever about legacy, he isn’t anymore. He’s about cash. Divorce sucks.

Here’s Hogan’s latest/lamest attempt to manufacture an issue. It’s his response to Brock Lesnar calling him “Grandpa” on Raw:

“All I gotta say is, Brock, I haven’t done anything to get in your way. But if you keep throwing my name around, I’m gonna get in your way.

“You can’t say that stuff like you said, Brock, in front of my wife and kids. It’s not cool, brother. I know this is all entertainment. You know we’re supposed to have fun with it. But when he starts throwing my name around, with my wife and kids, it’s crossing the line.”

Desperation is a stinky cologne, Terry.

Hogan shouldn’t wrestle ever again. Not anybody.

But I would pay to see Hogan wrestle Lesnar. Let the match go 5-6 minutes, and we’ll see if there’s anything left of Hogan. I’m talking work, not shoot. Hogan is so weak and crippled, he’d get his ass kicked in a work.

I love when Hogan uses wrestling lingo and cadence in mainstream interviews. Most of the boys do it. But Hogan maximizes.

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