5/4 Wrestlezone Recap: Sheamus Turning Heel, New WWE Tag Team, NXT Firings, TNA Talent Suffers PPV Injury, AJ Styles is World Champ & More

bully rayTNA News

Low Ki is coming back to TNA and, according to some reports, he'll be working as a full-time member of the active roster, and as a backstage agent. He recently won a big #1 contender's match at a pre-tapped One Night Only PPV event. 

Former world champion Bully Ray suffered an injury after a pretty brutal TNA Sacrifice PPV last weekend. They've already tapped several episodes of Impact Wrestling, so he should have some time off to heal up from any injuries sustained. 

Misc. Wrestling News

-In the biggest non-WWE news story of the entire week, former TNA original AJ Styles defeated Okada to become the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. His win has also changed the upcoming Ring of Honor "War of the Worlds" main event in a big way. It's going to be Michael Elgin vs. AJ Styles on May 17th, and the winner of that match facing Okada in the return on May 25th in Japan. 

They are filming a sequel to Magic Mike, and wrestling legend Kevin Nash might be a part of it. He also might not be a part of it. There's really no concrete information either way, and Nash's response means they either haven't asked him yet, or he hasn't decided if he wants to do it. I watched the first 30-40 minutes of the film, and from what I saw it was very well-acted, but I couldn't make it any further as a heterosexual male, with no women in the room. The bottom line is that Magic Mike made a lot of money, and Nash is all about making money. If there's money to be made by him returning, he'll be there. 

-David Benoit, the son of infamous former WWE star Chris Benoit, is making his in-ring debut on July 18th in Canada. He's teaming with Chavo Guerrero, which makes a lot of sense given the relationship between the Guerrero and Benoit family.