You Chant “Yes”…But WWE Isn’t Listening

chant If you believe WWE cares what you think about the Royal Rumble…I’m afraid I’ve got some BAD NEWS. You chant “YES!”… but WWE isn’t listening.

*WWE apologists think/hope the Royal Rumble fiasco is part of a storyline to match Daniel Bryan and Batista at WrestleMania. It’s not. If that happens, it’s an audible. Not planned going into the Rumble. But almost nothing reaped in the future would be worth being booed out of the building at the conclusion of a PPV.

*One facet of all that’s happened gives me pause: Bryan openly complaining about his misuse on Twitter. That’s not his style, nor is it WWE’s style to tolerate that sort of thing. If one thing seems planted, it’s that.

*Batista should change his name to Barista. With his deflated physique, he looks like the guy who got me coffee Monday morning.

*WWE should not abide Batista flipping off fans, nor mocking Bryan after Sunday’s debacle. John Cena never breaks character no matter how much fan abuse he absorbs. Batista was only back for about 15 minutes before he cracked. All hat, no cattle.

*El Torito got a chuckle. Bryan blows the roof off the place. Including the former in the Rumble but excluding the latter is just plain stupid.

*The idea that the Pittsburgh fans let down WWE by going against the grain is ludicrous. It’s not up to the marks to adhere to the script. If the desired reaction isn’t manufactured, blame the performers, producers and writers. The marks are paying customers, not hired extras. It’s not their job to shine crap. Bryan is the people’s choice. If he’s not WWE’s choice, why would the people be happy?

*Here’s what should have happened: Bryan loses to Bray Wyatt in the opening match of the Royal Rumble PPV. Bryan wins the Rumble. Bryan wins the WWE title at ‘Mania. Wyatt is a ready-made challenger by way of having beaten Bryan.

*The backstage palaver is that Bryan isn’t as popular as his crowd pop. It’s said his merchandising revenue and quarter-hours are lacking. Hey, pop isn’t everything. The prevailing opinion also puts forth that Bryan isn’t over; “YES!” is. That’s why others have been allowed to do “YES!” – to prove that point.

*Don’t overcomplicate why WWE won’t go all the way with Bryan. It’s because he doesn’t look the part. The family is all size/muscle marks.

*Brock Lesnar’s destruction of The Big Show was apocalyptic. But how could Lesnar work with Undertaker at ‘Mania without killing him? It’s not best for Lesnar’s character to soften his style. And how could Lesnar losing to ‘Taker be seen as even a remotely realistic result?

*Lost in the outrage: Roman Reigns advanced himself a great deal with his performance in the Rumble. Reigns winning the Rumble = much better option than Batista. But I can’t complain about how WWE is pacing The Shield’s breakup.

*Is C.M. Punk in a bit of a rut? Not hatin’. Just sayin’.

*It’s ironic that #BestForBusiness is among WWE’s current catchphrases.

*All the angry tweeters watched Raw last night. I guarantee it.

Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkMaddenX