1/11 Ring of Honor TV Review: Chris Hero vs. Kevin Steen, Top Prospects Tournament, C&C is a Tag Team No More

Ring of HonorRing of Honor TV

Jan. 11, 2014

This is the first episode recorded at the January 4th television taping in Nashville, TN and features a lot of newcomers and fresh faces for the 2014 Top Prospects tournament. Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino and Prince Nana are on commentary, as Nana is responsible for finding a lot of the talent in this year's tournament. 

Raymond Rowe vs. Kongo

Rowe is a pretty built individual with a rockin' beard; he's kind of got a Rory McAllistar vibe going on, but covered in tattoos. It's a great look that definitely works for him. Kongo is a 350-pound monster that's a bit shorter than Rowe. Their match was on the short side, clocking in at just over four minutes, but that may have played in their advantage. Kongo's size played well with Rowe's strongman style, which led to a few physical brawls and an impressive German suplex. Raymond Rowe picks up the win with a Full Nelson Suplex transitioned into a killer knee to the back, finishing off a match that didn't overstay its welcome. 

Michael Elgin comes down to the ring and hits Kongo with the Elgin Bomb. He cuts a promo about being screwed over at Final Battle, and tells Cole that things aren't over between them. Chris Hero makes his way out and brings up their tag team match in Pittsburgh on January 25th. He says they can't ruffle feathers now, but once that match is over it's every man for himself. Kevin Steen is next up to interrupt, and says that he never got a rematch for the title he lost in April. He mentions that nobody gets a title shot until he gets what is coming to him, and promises Hero will say "Kevin Steen just kicked my ass, OH NO!"