Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction October 4th, 2013

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Rob Van Dam defeated Fandango via disqualification. Summer Rae tries to trip RVD, which causes the DQ. Van Dam sends a message to Alberto Del Rio by hitting a Van Terminator onto Fandango. It almost missed, to be honest, but I love the fact that WWE wants RVD to really focus on his "extreme moments." The YouTube video they have shown of him really enhances my interest in this match because they seem to want to tap into the old RVD. This is what would be the best for getting him a world championship, only to lose it to Damien Sandow.

Grade: C

Alberto Del Rio defeated Dolph Ziggler in what was the match of the night. We can bash Del Rio all we want but the guy works just as good as anyone in WWE. Dolph Ziggler was able to get the upper hand by continuous strikes to his opponent, dropkicks, and reversals to keep one step ahead of him. After a Fameasser, Ziggler rolls under and gets a quick two count. As he looks to steal the win here, Del Rio grabs the ropes to block a ZigZag and would ultimately get Ziggler to tap out. The pacing was great and WWE let them tell the stories. Sometimes you need to just sit back and watch an entertaining match without worrying about the storyline. Maybe this is something they should do NOT 72 hours before a Pay Per View. Van Dam NEEDED to be out there and get involved somehow. I wouldn't have minded Vickie making Ziggler/RVD vs. Sandow/Del Rio. It builds two stories and foreshadows a possible cash in on Sunday. Nonetheless, the match was great between Del Rio and Ziggler. What else would you expect?

Grade: B+

Ryback defeated R-Truth. Truth got some offense in on the "big guy" by hitting a clothesline and a missle dropkick. It would not last long, as Ryback ducked out of the way and connected with a massive clothesline. He hit Shell Shock for the win. After the match, Curtis Axel punches Truth in the back of the head and taunts him with his championship. Ruthless aggression is something that I see when Axel is in the ring. Whether I love or hate R-Truth in the Intercontinental Championship match, it will be a solid bout with a predictable outcome. For Ryback, Heyman cut a very quick and good promo on CM Punk having no chance at beating a man stronger, bigger, and more aggressive than him. Heyman can sell a bible to the devil. He is that good on the microphone.

Grade: C+