Title This: WWE Raw Reaction September 30, 2013

WWE RawThe Undercard

CM Punk defeated Big E Langston in a match that confused me in the very beginning. Langston has rarely been used since his split from AJ Lee and Dolph Ziggler. This match shows you that Langston will be a major player in the WWE when they find the right situation for him to thrive. His athleticism is very impressive for such a large man. I love the versatility he has when hitting multiple moves. He is not just a powerhouse, as he runs the ropes well and keeps pace with a much quicker and technically sound Punk. Punk picks up the win with a GTS. I really enjoyed this match and it was made to showcase that Punk can beat a guy the size of Ryback.

Grade: B+

Kofi Kingston defeated Fandango in a quick match with plenty of reversals and counters. It looks like both guys are going to be booked the same way. They will exchange wins with mid card talent until they find something for them to do long-term. Fandango may not be a long term talent, but his gimmick is shockingly still going pretty strong. We know what Kofi brings to the table. The Wyatt Family comes out after the match and Bray cuts a promo on Kofi. Good promo to a guy who could use a boost. I am not sure if Kofi vs. Bray is a feud WWE should do right now. The creative differences between the two characters are too far apart.

Grade: C

Los Matadores defeated 3MB in their "debut" on WWE Raw. They have a midget dressed as a bull for a mascot. They have an entrance that is too long. They have same arsenal of moves that Primo and Epico had because, well, it's just them in new gear. I really do not know what to make of them. WWE is hoping that "Ole" is the new "Yes" for them to get them over. It won't.

Grade: C-