Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-18-13

CM PunkThe Main Events

-The Undertaker comes out and talks briefly about how C.M. Punk disrespected him. He goes on to talk more about what he is going to do to him, until Punk interrupts him. He was brillant in a quick segment, where he had the Paul Bearer voice. At first, I was not sure how to react to using him in a storyline. I love the Urn involved though. We have not really seen something like this in an Undertaker storyline in such a long time. We know it is not a personal dig at Bearer, but it still is in a more respectful way. I really wanted to see more from these two. They only were used for about 6 minutes on Raw. Why was there so little usage of them?

Grade: B-

Paul Heyman comes out and talks about the stipulations. He also gets Triple H to sign it and bashes Stephanie. Steph is consistently used, which makes me think that not many people care as much as they used to. When it was not "talked" about too much on television, the fans and the personal feud felt more realistic. Now, it feel recycled. Nonetheless, it will be No Holds Barred and Triple H's career is on the line. Now, what career? Will it be just his wrestling career, or will Paul Heyman try and take his job? They did a good job, but I will admit it fell flat watching it live. I felt like many people expected something bigger. They have a few weeks left to figure that out, so it leaves an open window for opportunities to add to a story.

Grade: B-

Raw Grade: C- (It lacked compelling television angles.)