Title This: WWE Royal Rumble Reaction 1-27-13

The RockThe Rock defeated CM Punk to win the WWE Championship

What I Liked:

The match had so much anticipation to it. I want to say that it lived up to all of my expectations. I knew that it was not going to be the absolute cleanest and technically sound match, but the electricity of Rock and the intelligence and storytelling of Punk was great. The match started with a quick fire out of the gates, with Rock and Punk going back and forth with strikes. CM Punk would ultimately take over, slowing down the Great One. I really wanted the match to get more physical, more personal. The table spot is something you cannot forget but it was neither of their faults. The table simply gave out and was a spot that would have been great. The improvising was very professional, with Rock whispering in the ear to do it on the floor. Nonetheless, it took us to the big finish. The lights go out, and Rock is attacked. Michael Cole does a fantastic job at selling it as The Shield attacking. He has done such an incredible job from going to a full fledged hated heel to a true professional behind the microphone. Everyone will compare him to Jim Ross, but this was a shining moment from him. Punk picks up the win, but Vince comes out and is about to strip him of the championship. Rock stops him and gets back into the ring. The match is restarted and a few minutes later it finishes. Rock wins, and I was extremely happy to see it. I will say this and hope to get some respect, but Rock should have won the WWE Championship. CM Punk has had the best reign as WWE Champion I have ever seen in my lifetime. He fought great competition and has gotten even better as the time has gone on. I just feel like he is destined for bigger things. He, alone, has brought prestige back to the most important championship. There were many times over the past 5 years that the title was not as important and more of a joke than anything, but he brought the importance back to it. I expect him to save his rematch clause for Wrestlemania, and make the biggest Triple Threat Match in Wrestlemania history. THAT will sell tickets, make the IWC happy, and make the casual fans excited as well. Rock is back for a few more months, and he seems to be the guy that can make any fan happy.

What I Disliked:

Will Rock be back and be on TV consistently? That is my only concern, but I do think he will be around for the rest of the Road to Wrestlemania. Also, I will agree that Rock winning with the People's Elbow being terrible. Punk has kicked out of so many moves, but he loses to an elbow? I assume that Hogan can get away with a Leg Drop for two decades, The Rock can do this. It just is ashame that Punk's long reign ends with that type of move. This is not 1990 anymore. Fans are much smarter than twenty years ago.

Grade: B+

Royal Rumble: B+

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