What’s Bothering Me: Injuries, Departures & Time Off

Pro wrestling is entering its peak season and there’s plenty to discuss most weeks, including this one. I’ll be doing just that tonight as both the Voice of Wrestling and VOW Reaction shows return live, before and after Raw’s 20th anniversary show. Visit VOWLive.com for the live feed and the live chat room!

The return of “What’s Bothering Me” is full of breaking news and details, so let’s get right to it!

Earlier today, I heard through the grapevine (a friend with access to PWInsider.com’s Elite section) that current WWE Diva’s Champion, Eve, will be leaving the company. And thus, she’s likely dropping the title to Kaitlyn tonight on Raw.

Great for Kaitlyn, bad for the division as a whole.

WWE has invested plenty of time, energy, and resources into Eve, only to see her leave as soon as she gets the chance. I don’t blame her, however, and WWE will surely let her go without hesitation. They’ve always had the mentality that women in wrestling are interchangeable, and for the most part, they’re correct. Eve is the epitomy of why that is, too. She was a pretty girl they taught to wrestle. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I really enjoyed Eve’s last year or longer in WWE. She hit her stride in acting and was much improved in the ring. She’s leaving at the right time and although there’s the definite possibility she’ll return at some point in the future, I can see her finding plenty of success outside of pro wrestling.

Women should always have that mindset when entering the pro wrestling business, and specifically WWE. Use them for the exposure and get the hell out when the time is right. It’s not a bad thing – just smart.

The Pope Leaves TNA

Good talent is a dime a dozen in TNA, so I understand that guys will come and go, but I hate the departure of The Pope, D’Angelo Dinero. I’m a big fan of his work and felt he could have been given more opportunities during his time there.

I think what I liked most about “The Pope” gimmick is that Burke didn’t try to over-do it. He could have easily pushed it to a limit that was over the top and cheesy, but he never let it get out of hand. It was a believable character that required great mic skills, and Burke has plenty of that.

Burke will be in New York City during WrestleMania week, wrestling for Pro Wrestling Syndicate. I’m considering attending one of their two events, likely Friday (April 4th), and I believe that’s the night Burke will be wrestling John Morrison. Hit me up if you’re going.