Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Potential Royal Rumble Winners

Number 5: Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar

With the return of Brock Lesnar, some wonder what he is going to be doing at Wrestlemania. My easiest guess is a rematch with Triple H, but I hope not. You saw the WWE’s Pay Per View numbers go through the roof when he was featured, so I expect him to get another contract with more dates. He will get his payday, and they should capitalize on it immediately. If he were to win the Royal Rumble, he could easily try and give up his championship opportunity to face someone like The Undertaker. I feel like this is a bigger draw for both guys, and a legit opponent for Taker to face that many will wonder if he will finally lose. Yes, Lesnar will not become WWE Champion, but can’t we imagine at times a better WWE with more unpredictability? I certainly do, and this would be much better than a handful of other guys winning it. If you want to create buzz, a stir, then have him win the Rumble while The Rock hoists the WWE Championship over his head as the PPV ends.