Stars in Progress: Cena’s Injury, TNA Announcers, Hogan

TNA Announcers – One Step Down

If this is a way to get rid of Mike Tenay, it's not very subtle. I would be perfectly fine and content with the decision to replace Tenay, but take the quick bandaid approach and just get it done.

That being said, I'm not a Todd Keneley fan based on what I've seen so far. He seems to be trying too hard and his commentary comes off as forced. It was better when it was just him and Borash, but not enough to justify giving him the full-time PBP position. I think I'd stick with Tenay if those are my only two options.

What blows my mind the most is the fact TNA hasn't committed to Jeremy Borash. If they're looking to change up their announce team, he should be the first and only stop. He's current, knows the product in and out, and oozes passion for the company and its stars. He's close friends with a lot of them and that personal relationship would undoubtedly shine through in his commentary.

I'm not sure if that's a Bischoff-influenced decision or not, but TNA seems to want to keep Borash at bay for some reason. I'd put him as the play-by-play guy and although I'm not a huge supporter of his either, keep Tazz as the color.

Regardless who they ultimately go with, the three-man team just isn't working.