What’s NOT Bothering Me: Lawler, Hardy/Aries, AJ Styles

Note: Tune in live tonight from 6:30-7:30 EST as Nick Paglino and I host the Voice of Wrestling. Then, Adam Gorzelsky and I will be back with another edition of VOW Reaction, immediately following tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw. Visit VOWLive.com for details and live feeds.

Now, on to what is NOT bothering me in pro wrestling this week:

Jerry Lawler#3. Jerry Lawler Returns To Raw Tonight

It's a bit bitter sweet as it means Jim Ross is likely on his way out again in the near future, but I'm happy to see Jerry Lawler return to the commentating table. He belongs there and I doubt anyone would argue that, even if you have grown weary of his actual commentating.

He's really cut back on a lot of the things that caused irritation to some.

I don't necessarily expect to happen, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they soon decide to use his heart attack in a follow-up storyline of some kind. There will be hesitation before making that kind of decision, but I'm not one that would be offended if they did. Punk and Lawler had great chemistry and it's a shame they didn't get a chance to conclude the angle properly.

IF they decide to do something about it, my only advice would be keep Lawler out of the ring. He might be medically cleared and willing, but I just don't think it's worth the risk.

There are plenty of indies around that are willing to let Jerry get his "wrestling fix" if that's what he's after.