The Cashbox: Streak vs Streak

The UndertakerThis column was going to be dedicated to Ryback and his streak, specifically. It was going to be my attempt to convince you — if you needed convincing — that Ryback's streak needs to remain in tact this Sunday at Hell in a Cell, regardless who actually walks out the Champion. Then, Mark Madden wrote this. And Chris Jericho wrote this. So, I guess I rest my case…?

I'll now change it up and talk about another streak. Again. Yes, I'm aware this has been discussed ad naseum, but it's time to SERIOUSLY start discussing it. Mark, Chris…feel free to follow suit anytime.

The latest on Undertaker's return suggests his health might be worse than expected. The inevitable is now upon us, and decisions need to be made. Fast.

I still don't buy that 'Taker will "play it safe", enter the Rumble, and lose. His health and safety is priority, but if he's able to work, he'll work WrestleMania, period. Every year, until no more years remain, with the very last one being his swan song.

And The Undertaker MUST have a swan song.

The question then comes up, as it does every year, should the Undertaker's WrestleMania streak end? I've answered with a simple "yes" in the past, but I realize it's a bit more complicated than that. Allow me to answer, this time, in two ways:

YES, IF…the Undertaker wants to and is willing. If that's the case, it absolutely should end, without question. And who are you (or me) to say otherwise?

NO, IF…the Undertaker does NOT want to lose at 'Mania, due to some close bond or connection he has with a fake win streak.

I'm aware of the sarcastic tone I used in writing that last sentence — I meant it that way. I don't think there will ever be a good enough explanation for not ending the streak. And how could 'Taker not WANT to give the ultimate rub to someone on his way out? 

I know why — selfishness. Selfishness is the only reason why Undertaker would want to go out with his win streak in tact, rather than literally making someone's entire career with one FAKE three-count.

Sound harsh? Maybe it is, but it's true.

I'd be a hypocrite, however, if I said it would make me think less of him. MOST people are selfish, including myself.

True selflessness is rare, and I would imagine it's even harder to find within celebrities. Hell, if I had people telling me over and over that I was one of, if not, THE greatest wrestler of all time, I'd start believing it too. Right down to the 20th scripted win in a row.

All that said, if Undertaker doesn't want to lose, he shouldn't. If I'm Vince, I respect his wishes, accept them, and move on. But I'm certainly pissed about it.

I don't believe the Undertaker's streak will ever be broken, but if I'm wrong…this MUST be the year to do it. Because if those reports are true, I don't think you can afford to risk another year and a half.

And hypothetically speaking, of course…if Undertaker wanted to lose at WrestleMania, AND this was the year it happened…who could possibly be his opponent?!

I won't venture a guess right now, but if WWE does what I think is necessary and lets Ryback escape this Sunday without a loss on his record…I have at the very least an option for them to consider.

This will be a major topic on this week's Post 2 Post roundtable discussion, to be posted on the VOW Network tomorrow. My guests this week are WZ's Josh Isenberg, former WWE referee and current co-host of Aftermath Radio, Jimmy Korderas, former WWE creative member, Andrew Goldstein, and current female indy star, "Sassy" Stephanie Sager. Visit for details.

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