TNA Bound For Glory 2012: What Did & Did Not Bother Me

What Did NOT Bother Me: RVD Wins X-Division Title

I just wrote in a recent column that TNA should be using RVD more. He is wildly popular and has been for years, despite rarely being used to his full potential.

I'll take at least partial credit for his win last night.

In all seriousness, I think it's a great marriage between RVD and a division that's been sorely lacking in star power and credibility.

No offense to Zema Ion, who is 100% committed to his character, but he's just not enough yet. TNA management must not think so anyway.

The match was a great opener and RVD was the right choice to win it. It set the stage (and mood) for the rest of the pay per view, and things were truly "just getting started".

What DID Bother Me: Matt Morgan Return

Let me preface by saying it wasn't Morgan's return that I didn't like. He's always been a great talent. It's more the other pieces involved with his return that I'm not loving.

I view Matt Morgan as a "now or never" type of talent for TNA. They've had plenty of time to build his stardom, but have chose not to for whatever reason. This return could have been his opportunity to rise to the top quickly, IF they wanted it to be. Maybe they don't.

I don't know if Morgan helping Joey Ryan was more about hurting Al Snow or actually helping Joey Ryan, but neither scenario really intrigues me much. Matt Morgan, especially after a return, should be above both men.

My gut tells me this is more of an issue between Matt Morgan and TNA management (Al Snow), rather than it being some sort of alliance between him and Joey Ryan. Their handshake was likely just to establish Morgan as a heel.

I'm glad to see Morgan back, but still very nervous that it could end up being an opportunity wasted when it's all said and done.