Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-4

Bully RayBully Ray Defeats Austin Aries and Jeff Hardy

What I Liked:

This was a very entertaining match from all ends. Aries locks in an inverted submission move onto Ray, and then argues with Hardy. You can see the jealously in the face of Aries, and that is something you cannot fake easily. Ray takes control with both guys, including tossing over Aries onto Hardy. Ray continues to get the upper hand, but Aries snaps Ray's neck before hitting a missle dropkick. This was a great way to transition into Aries' offensive attacks. Ray grabs the title and calls Hemme a stupid bitch. Ray throws Hardy into Aries, hits the Bubba Bomb onto Hardy, and picks up the win. Aries and Hardy yell at one another, Aries gets booed, and leaves upset. This did everything it needed to, including getting two feuds to boil into one. This was planned very well, and you need to be interested in seeing what is going to happen next week before BFG.

Grade: A-

Hulk Hogan and Sting

What I Liked:

They single out Hogan and he is upset about it. Hogan says that Sting will keep Aces and Eights out of TNA. Hogan talks about the candidates, and then he chooses Mr. Anderson. We see Aces and Eights dominante Mr. Anderson backstage. Bully Ray comes out and is upset he was not picked. Ray gets right into his face and says you need to go to war with me. Man, Ray has been excellent and he continues to ressurect himself. Sting says they should go with Bully. The deal is sealed.

Grade: B+

Impact Grade: B+

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