Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 7-27

WWE SmackdownThe Miz defeats Christian to Retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship

What I Liked:

Smackdown starts off with a very physical and well scripted match. Christian and The Miz work very well together, time each move, and I really enjoyed the fact that The Miz picked up another clean victory against Christian. Christian puts on another great match with another talent, one who is unique and not a typical wrestler. Miz has a lot of solid moves, and his character has certainly picked up in a more mature and aggressive way since returning. Christian took a big bump when landing on Miz's knees. It looked painful and looked really good on television. When you look at both guys, in different parts of their career, you can appreciate how both guys put in the effort on a consistent basis. I appreciated the match for what it was, a consistently well paced match giving a victory to a much needed heel.

What I Disliked:

Looking to the future, where do both of these men go from here? Christian will be without a feud, and Miz will be looking for a face to feud with. Who are the options really? Does The Miz put a guy like Tyson Kidd over in a solid feud, or does he see a returning Ted DiBiase? I wouldn't mind Miz getting someone like Mysterio, just to keep both guys relevant. I feel like Miz could benefit with a quick feud from him especially since it will automatically put Miz back into the spotlight with a fan favorite.

Grade: A-

Ryback defeats Jinder Mahal via Countout

What I Liked:

Ryback gets on the defensive for a part of this match. I really feel like we are beginning to see more of a character transition for Ryback. Some of his opponents should continue to garner a little offense, but leave in fear. Ryback is an intimidating superstar with a freakish amount of strength. This is a good start at a feud with someone who will finally try and stand up to Ryback. I wonder who that will be.

What I Disliked:

Are we sick of the "Feed me more?" The payoff has to come sooner than later, and Ryback desperately needs someone that is worth his time. I would not mind seeing him against a guy like Kane, if he went back to being a heel. I have said this many times, but Ryback is getting bland too quick for my liking.

Grade: C