WWE Money in the Bank 2012: What Did & Did Not Bother Me

What Did NOT Bother Me: The Overall Show

It wasn't great, but it was certainly good. The positives outweighed the negatives, although not to a large  degree.

There were predictable moments, but that's not always a bad thing. Dolph was the best option, in my  opinion, and although some fans are complaining about the John Cena outcome, I think they would have  griped just as much, if not more, had someone else walked away the winner.

The WWE Championship match left a lot to be desired as it related to AJ and her lack of involvement, but  the match itself was great.

I'm afraid Del Rio isn't a priority anymore, and if that's the case, Sheamus winning was the best way to go.  You can still get a little out of Del Rio in way of putting over others before he gets tired of it and decides to  leave.

MITB did its job in giving Vince plenty of options on Monday, July 23rd in St. Louis. Neither of the two major  titles changed hands last night as I predicted, but I'd put all of my money on that happening between now  and the final second of next week's Raw.

WWE didn't decide to "shake things up" too much last night, but I'm still excited about the near future. And  by "near future", I'm really just talking about Raw1K.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at chris.cash@wrestlezone.com. Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris  and be sure to tune in tonight, immediately following Raw, as Cash hosts "VOW Reaction". Visit  VOWLive.com for details.