Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 7-2-12

Alberto Del RioAlberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara ends No Contest

What I Liked:

What is there to like when all you get is Del Rio attacking Cara before the match?

What I Disliked:

There were two things that stood out here, and both were negative. First off, Del Rio is completely awful at connecting with the crowd. They try to make him this cocky and self indulged character, but the fans simply do not care about him. They are not investing time for whatever reason, and his character has made no changes since his debut. Second, Sin Cara is useless. He is not making the transition into performing in the WWE. He has not done anything meaningful and has no feud to work with. Many people compare him to Mysterio, but that is ludacris. They have similar styles, but Rey has been around so long that he can adapt to his situations. Mysterio can really work with anyone, while Cara is very limited in who and what he can work with. This match gets no grade from me because it did not give anything credible to Del Rio( even as the number one contender to Sheamus.)

-Bryan gives AJ a rose, but she eats it and spits it on the ground. She says Bryan never cared about her.

Paul Heyman Addresses WWE Universe

What I Liked:

I knew that Lesnar wouldn't be seen. I also knew that Paul Heyman would not be in Laredo, Texas. I am alright with this because Heyman said Lesnar will be at Raw 1,000 in a few weeks to answer Triple H. I love how Paul Heyman is loved by many hardcore fans, but he is so good at making those fans hate him. He knows what to say and when to say it. There is nobody better in the company than Paul Heyman when it comes to turning the crowd on him. Heyman is so intelligent, so meticulous, and such a pro of the business. You can always tell, especially since he never misses out on the greater picture.

What I Disliked:

I thought Triple H would come out and talk to Heyman on the screen. It would have made us feel it was more Live and not taped. That is really the only gripe I had with this. I am getting tired of the wasted time between Lesnar's appearances.

Grade: B