What’s Bothering Me: WWE MITB, Tag Teams, Too Much AJ

What an incredible response to my recent Sycho Sid article. Thanks to everyone that responded positively and respectfully. I don’t care if some lie and disagree, but EVERY writer longs for approval and respect. They don’t always receive it, but they try with every piece. Part two will be posted on WZ this Wednesday. Also, check out my exclusive on the recent New Jack/Balls Mahoney altercation at the “Extreme Rising” event.

Now, on to a few things bothering me in pro wrestling this week.

I’m aware that the old days are…old. Often, they include old ideas. Old principles. Old practices that wouldn’t work in today’s market.

WWE’s tag team division, and its ability to be effective, is not one of those examples.

Billy Gunn recently said in a shoot interview that WWE should bring back the New Age Outlaws. Roughly half of you — the ones that enjoy nostalgia in pro wrestling — will agree with the former tag team champion. The other half will disagree, as you always do, and claim that bringing back a pair like Gunn and BJ James (although he is already under employment with WWE as an agent) would be taking away time better suited for younger stars.

Well, I disagree with your disagreement.

I understand that WWE can’t live in the past. They need to focus on creating the “stars of tomorrow” and have the talent to do so at their disposal. And most of the time, in “singles” competition, I would agree that yesterday’s stars would hurt potential progress more than help.

I find it very different in the tag division, however.

As a singles star, you have the guys above you on the ladder to help put you over. The John Cenas, the Punks, they are there to elevate you by association. What credible tag teams are available to do the same?

I realize that Vince’s entire opinion of “everything non-main event in WWE” needs to change before this point is even worth discussing, but if/when that ever happens, you’ll still need existing credibility to breed new credibility.

NAO is simply an example, and their window is small and rapidly closing, but from what I personally know about the former DX members, they would still add value on camera if used properly.

I firmly believe a team like that could do more to re-establish the tag division in one year than twenty makeshift teams combined. Why? Because fans would actually take them serious as a “team”.

WWE is a star-driven company. And today, those stars are individuals. But it doesn’t have to remain that way. If you’re going to continue “pretending” you have a tag division (with belts and all), simply do right by it.

Try, just a little. You might be surprised by the result.