A British Point of View: Execution is Key

Daniel BryanFirst off I must apologise that my article didn’t go on to the site last week due to some technical issues so I have attempted to save some of article from last week whilst adding in some extra thoughts for this week.

I know it might be old news now but WWE Over The Limit did exactly what it said on the tin! Ok, so it wasn’t my planned PPV of every WWE Superstar getting drunk before the PPV started but it wasn’t too bad for what it was.

First off I’ve got to congratulate CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. This match was for the ages. People may think I am going overboard here but I think that was about as close as you could get to a modern day classic. When I was watching the constant reversals and submission attempts I felt the same way I did when Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle were battling it out many moons ago.

These guys knew exactly what they were doing and they put on an example of what every young wrestler should aspire to today. Bryan should now be pushed to the moon. He has improved so much on the microphone, his in ring skills have never been in doubt and he’s got the crowd invested in his character with a single phrase.

Reports suggest that Bryan was within a whisker of winning the WWE title at Over The Limit and lord knows he deserves it. The rivalry is set to continue but I cannot help feel that the inclusion of Kane might be a little too soon. I would love to see Bryan and Punk duke it out in an Ironman match at some point but I guess with Kane and AJ in the mix the story is now going to be based more on than just in-ring competition.

The match between John Laurinaitis and John Cena went exactly how everyone planned, but guess what? It wasn’t terrible! I hated the idea of the match but credit to Cena. The commentary shenanigans and Laurinaitis’ response had me tickled. Big Show did exactly what we predicted but at least he is now the angry monster character rather than kid hugging giant. We saw further evidence of this during RAW where he decided to throw Kofi round like a baby’s rattle. I still think that he’ll hug kids again before the end of the year but at least on RAW he gave an realistic explanation of his actions as of late.

The PPV attempted to bring in a little surprise with the return of Christian. Unfortunately even this seemed like a predictable Intercontinental Championship victory for him. A little bit of a step back for him at the moment but we’ll see where it takes him.

The fatal four way was a good match with some great false finishes but again had the predictable result of Sheamus retaining.

Overall the PPV was entirely predictable but as the title suggests, execution is key. WWE executed the PPV in a way it made sense. You could have missed it and still known where they are up to but the PPV was faultless in its delivery. The PPV alone was worth it for Bryan and Punk in my humble opinion. The same execution should have happened with Cena and Lesnar at Extreme Rules. Lesnar should have won that match but instead WWE thought they were swerving us with a Cena victory. How on Earth is a Cena victory ever a swerve!? The man could have been thrown in to Iraq during the war and Saddam would have been found in the STF tapping out!

The real blunder came on RAW the night after the PPV when Laurinaitis explained that he hired Big Show back on Saturday making him an active member on the roster for the PPV, which in turn should have meant Big Show’s demise. However, WWE did as good a job as possible to rectify it with Cole’s announcement a few minutes later. The next blunder was Cena sarcastically calling us all a ‘genius’ when he was criticized for not just beating Big Johnny straight away, claiming that Big Show would have stopped it from happening anyway. What about when you had Laurinaitis in the STF? You think Big Show could have stormed out and stopped it if he left him in the hold?  I think not.

Also, when did John Cena get sheet metal installed on to his forehead? Because Big Show’s punch at the end of RAW 2 weeks ago sounded awfully like Ironman being hit by Thor’s hammer! If TNA was booking this then Big Show would be renamed Ironman and John Cena with his green shirt could be Hulk. They would face off in a ‘Lethal Avengers’ match which would end in a rip off the Montreal screw job. Sorry, shouldn’t spoil future episodes of TNA Presents iMPACT Wrestling’s Total Non-Stop Action of iMPACT!

Don’t forget! You can check out the new Podcast Virtually Reality created by myself and fellow WrestleZone columnist Adam Gorzelsky.

After listening to your feedback we have decided to lose the kayfabe aspect of the show. The show is now based on the idea of putting ideas forward for the future of the WWE. It’s a good laugh and this week Adam’s discusses his ‘Mega Powers’ storyline between Daniel Bryan and CM Punk where I go in to full campaign mode to try and WrestleMania 30 in London a reality!

You should be able to find the latest episode at the bottom of this article. Also don’t forget to follow the new Twitter account for the show at @VirtuallyR and its host @PolishHMR along with myself @BeansOnToastUK