Stars in Progress: Brock/Heyman, Matt Morgan, Cena Divorce

I would just like to take a minute, right now, and let everyone know that I am currently in Mexico (Playa Del Carmen, to be exact). Yes, truly. By the time you read this, I could be working on my first (or tenth) mango margarita, sitting in a hammock with my baby (my girlfriend, not an actual newborn), and staring out at the sand that meets a never-ending body of water.

Be jealous. And pray for me.



Paul Heyman likely had no desire to return to the WWE prior to this particular story, at this time. WWE likely had no desire to use him.

It’s no secret that Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are good friends. They are also business partners occasionally. Reports claim that Heyman was working with Brock on his WWE return-promos. Heyman denies it.

I’m sure the stories were accurate, even if it was indirectly and unbeknownst to WWE.

The great part about the situation now is that Paul no longer has to hide his involvement. He doesn’t even have to rely on Brock to deliver his vision.

Paul Heyman is an excellent talker. Brock’s not, although he does have moments. Paul’s return, in the position of Brock’s mouthpiece, can only be a good thing and a step up.

If the amount of dates, or lack thereof, listed in Brock’s contract prohibits him from being on television, Heyman is a perfect alternative. And as far as non-physical story progression is concerned, he may even do a better job than Brock could do himself.