WrestleZone’s Top 10: Misused Talent

Number 9: The Miz

The Miz

Many people will argue he should be up in the list given his graceful fall from the top. I agree, but I feel like he will rise up much quicker. He did pick up the win at Mania, as well as main event in November with Rock and Cena. Nonetheless, where the hell is the Miz? For two weeks, he was not even seen on Raw or Smackdown. He was built up for months and months leading to WrestleMania 27 that featured John Cena and The Rock. He would feud with Alex Riley and then team with R-Truth, which killed a lot of his steam in my opinion. He will be back on the top in given time, but there has been nothing for him to do. He has not gotten a feud, has not turned face, and has been misused in so many ways. Instead of using him to help younger talent, he has not been used whatsoever. Yes, he beat Santino, but that tells you all you need to know. Not taken seriously, The Miz has fallen for the time being. Everyone is waiting for his opportunity to rise back up. Potentially a stable where he is the leader? I could easily see that.