Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 4-6

Nikki Bella def. Beth Phoenix:

What I Liked/Disliked:

It looks as if Kelly Kelly and Beth will begin another feud, given the loss at WrestleMania and tonight for Phoenix thanks to KK. The match did not do anything for anybody, especially seeing the champ lose. When was the last good victory for her of any significance? Please give the Divas a chance because they have a lot of talent being wasted.

Grade: D

Alberto Del Rio def. Sheamus:

What I Liked:

It took the whole show to get a great bell to bell match, with intensity and a strong focus on really building a story in the ring. Del Rio showed no ring rust and focused on chopping down the big Sheamus with his kicks and speed. I felt like the match was really good from that standpoint. Both  men benefitted from this match, especially Del Rio. He immediately gets himself back into the main event spot with a great match that he basically controlled throughout.The Shining Wizard onto Sheamus connected flawlessly. There is something great about a guy who is almost always spot on with his moves and chemistry no matter who he faces, and that was shown here. Sheamus kicking the referee after getting DQ'ed was a nice way to end it. I feel likt he needs to really get away from the happy go lucky character he has been for months. Let Sheamus speak less and fight more, that is why people were into him.

What I Disliked:

Sheamus is champion in quick time Sunday, but he is basically on the defensive all match long. I wonder why they booked him to look weak against Del Rio. What is the bigger picture here? Is there one? I feel like Bryan still is the top heel, so a victory for Del Rio can go without much notice, unless Extreme Rules is a Triple Threat Match. That may be a great way to go, mixing things up and not having all the same matches from Miami.

Grade: B+

Smackdown Grade: C

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